
Meetings & Agendas
Meetings are held at the Central Administration Office at 1002 S. 3rd Avenue on the third floor, unless noted, on the first and third Monday of the month at 5 p.m. Meeting dates may be moved due to conflicts with holidays, and special board meetings may be scheduled at different times and days of the week. Agendas for meetings – both regular and special – are posted to the Marshalltown Board Doc page at least 24 hours in advance in accordance with Iowa Code.
All Board meetings (aside from closed sessions) are open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend meetings. Regular Board meetings are also shared via live stream through YouTube, and live stream links are made available on the MCSD website and the MCSD Facebook. Board meeting agendas are available online through the BoardDocs website. If you would like to get an item on a future Board agenda, contact Superintendent Dr. Theron Schutte at 641-754-1000.
Theron Schutte
Randy Denham
Director of Business and Operations & Board Secretary