By: Sarah Johnston, Communications Dept. Intern

male student working on computer sitting  at a desk

Bobcat student, Lucas Hagen, working on editing video footage for the next KBRM broadcast.

Miller Middle School has brought back KBRM, a newscast completely compiled by Miller students. 

KBRM has been around at Miller for many years, but there was a drop-off in 2020 due mainly to difficulties from the pandemic. It was started by Dave Stanfield when he was a teacher-librarian at Miller, and is now overseen by English teacher Lucas Johnson. 

This year is made up of a majority of 8th grade students, but there are some 7th graders involved. KBRM is offered for students in Miller’s digital production exploratories and the school’s English 9 class, creating a well diverse group of students with various talents to contribute. 

Mr. Johnson says that “[KBRM] is an extension of what happens in the classroom… [and] the major goal of the program is to promote the great things going on at Miller” when asked about KBRM. 

two female students talking while on computers sitting at a desk

KBRM anchors, Emerson Eastman and Jaslene Chavarria going over their scripts for the the next broadcast.

KBRM is not just videos of students giving updates on their school, the students are highly involved in every part of the process of making the monthly videos. 

Students interested in KBRM are assigned to a small team. These teams are tasked with gathering various good news stories at Miller and MCSD. This year’s include spotlights on a resident rabbit at the Miller counseling office and winter sports, among other topics.

Within each team, students divide up tasks such as anchoring, scripting, shooting video, and editing. Many students rotate throughout the semester, getting exposure to many aspects of videography.

When the planned series of stories are shot and edited, they are combined into a video and shared with the schools and community.

Mr. Johnson and the KBRM team are doing a great job sharing new and exciting news coming out of Miller Middle School. 

Check out their most recent video posted here!