two women holding an award  standing next to a man wearing a mask

Superintendent Dr. Theron Schutte, left, presents an MCSD Career Readiness Partner Award to Alliant Energy Training Specialist Lori Wildman, center, and Senior Manager of Customer Operations Carla Gall, right.

Alliant Energy is an incredibly valuable partner in the Marshalltown CSD’s Bobcat Ready efforts, and the company has been recognized with an MCSD Career Readiness Partner Award!

“I’ve been very appreciative of [Alliant Energy] getting on board with Junior Achievement – they were one of the first organizations that sent external volunteers to help us with that effort,” said Superintendent Dr. Theron Schutte, who presented the award to Alliant Energy Training Specialist Lori Wildman and Senior Manager of Customer Operations Carla Gall.

Dr. Schutte also pointed to the company’s support of bringing Miller Middle School’s Modular Technology Lab to life and it’s key role in the Marshalltown Business and Education Alliance (MBEA) as further examples of commitment to Bobcat students’ career readiness.

Alliant Energy has also hosted MCSD teachers for externship academy experiences, and has implemented online programs allowing Bobcat students to learn about energy basics. Students are able to access valuable internship and pre-apprenticeship experiences through the MCSD-Alliant Energy partnership.

“We just like to engage students whenever we can,” Wildman said.

Thank you to Alliant Energy for being excellent partners in ensuring students are Bobcat Ready!